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Trader Darwin’s High Potency Multiple Vitamins (360 Tablets)

Item Purchased: Trader Darwin’s High Potency Multiple Vitamins (360 Tablets)
Location Purchased: Trader Joe’s / 1840 N. Clybourn Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $11.99 + tax

Review: I believe I’ve said it before, but I will say it again. I wish the modern American diet (specifically my own) filled with a varied and voluptuous array of foods so balanced that there would be no need to take vitamin supplements. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Though I try to eat healthy, I’m sure that the occasional Jim’s Original Polish Sausage I eat doesn’t contain the recommended amount of iron or B12 I need to stay focused and energized throughout my day. It is because of this hedonistic carnivorous pleasure-seeking that I must resort to futuristic ways of keeping my brain and body balanced.

Trader Darwin’s multivitamins are completely vegan, so that means there is no gelitan surrounding the healthy parts. This, in turn, means that sticking your nose over the top of an open bottle of these things is akin to being caught in a septic tank. Despite the earthy and natural smell, the taste of these vitamins is not bad at all. As for their effectiveness, I’ll need a bit more time to tell. I can say that after taking just one of these vitamins in the morning, I did feel more alert and energetic all day long, but who’s to say that wasn’t from a good night’s sleep.

My one complaint is that the shelf tag at Trader Joe’s said that this bottle of vitamins cost $7.99, but when I was in the check-out aisle, they rang up at $11.99. This is still a good deal for 180 days of energy and pill-form health (you are supposed to take two a day), but it leads me to wonder if Trader Joe’s suffers from the same scanner troubles that several other area groceries do.

Rating: 4 / 5

14 Responses to “Trader Darwin’s High Potency Multiple Vitamins (360 Tablets)”

  1. lb Says:

    Where are Trader Darwin’s Vitamins manufactured?
    It does not say on the bottle….but I worry about vitamins made in China.

  2. Ken Says:

    I have the same question, wherre are the Darwin’s vitamins manufactured? Also where a majority of Trader Joe Health products manufactured? Is China the major producer of your products?

  3. L.Cunard Says:

    Where are these vtamins made? Please answer
    if it is not China then where?

    Thank you. Very anxious to know.

  4. Jo Says:

    Is yellow-urine ok? I have been taking the Darwin’s vitamins for a weeek and my urine is yellow. Yellow like egg yolk.

  5. bobby Says:

    should be alright. probablyis due to b-vitamins in the body. good sign. drink upto a gallon of liquid a day

  6. june Says:

    where can i buy b-12, folic acid,b-6?

  7. Sue Says:

    Do you still carry Trader Darwin’s Lactase & Rennin? The Brentwood, CA store does not have it. It works better than any other Lactose product I have tried.

  8. Billy Says:

    Jue, you can by b-12, folic acid and b-6 from my online store - https://www.mobleymall.com check out our energy drinks full of b-vitamins and our suppliments. All of Nutrilites vitamins are manufactured in their own facilities and grown on certified organic farmland, check em out. https://www.nutrilite.com

  9. Billy Says:

    Sorry June… I spelled your name incorrectly.

  10. Don Zweifel Says:

    May yours truly take this opportunity to advise your webmaster that this site’s Q&A’s should be posted simultaneously and that your user queries are actually not “responses…” your firm’s answers to their questions are, however….

    One should never list the queries exclusively as it leaves the reader dangling in anticipation of a response. Especially when one user should probably be directed to a heath care professional, e.g., in essence, “abnormally colored urine.”

    It is therefore incumbent upon your marketing department to be given a heads-up or a reality check regarding this potentially serious renal medical problem expressed by one of your end-users.

    Failure to do so could conceivably open your company up to certain liabilities if that particular person has detrimental complications due to the ingestion of the previously stated product. That is, one necessarily comes to the conclusion that the consumer’s query went unanswered… ostensibly since no response from your firm was forthcoming, i.e., posted with their inquiry….

  11. mardi sawyer Says:

    Has anyone taken the Trader Darwin plant sterol esters dietary supplement Comment please thanks

  12. audra Says:

    has any one taken the trader darwin’s complete body cleanse? what do you think about it?

  13. Deborah Says:

    I have been taking Trader Darwin’s No Iron Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Antioxidant Dietary Supplement for several years. I have found it to contain higher amounts of many important vitamins than other products I looked at. Yes, it is the reason that urine is bright yellow. If in doubt as to the cause, stop taking your vitamins for a day or two and you will see urine return to normal color. Resume vitamins and urine will again be bright yellow. It is just a by-product of one of the ingredients. I have never had a health problem related to that, nor has the lab ever told my doctor there was a problem with the intensity of the color. Don’t worry about it. Regarding the manufacturer of Trader Darwin’s supplements, I have only found one match so far for their green food based calcium. The appearance of the pill and the label list of nutrients exactly matches Rainbow Light Just Once Naturals Food-Based Calcium. I found this match by researching online. So now I buy this calcium in larger quantities than available from Trader Joe’s for less money. I am currently looking for a match for my multi-vitamin/mineral, which is how I ran across this site. Trader Joe’s carries many different nutritional supplements in their Trader Darwin’s line in their stores. It is a good place to go for high quality products at lower than health-food-store prices.

  14. B W Says:

    I take Trader Darwins Supplements. The Men’s “Once Daily” Multivitamin, the B 100, and the Fish/Borage/Flax Oils.

    In response to the urine issue. Yes, a bright yellow urine response is natural. It happens not only with Trader Darwins, but other “high potency” brands as well. As Deb stated, this is not a sign of ill effect, and if you discontinue use, you’ll note a quick return to the standard pee color you are used to whatever shade that might be.

    Don, you are mistaken in your assesment of Consumption.com’s liability. Consumption.com does not manufacter the product, they review the product. This is a Trader Darwin product and even they’ve got a disclaimer right on the side of the bottles. If the purpose of your legal mumbo jumbo statement was to impress everyone with your amazing knowledge of all things legal, then you’ve done it. You are truly a great mind. But keep in mind you probably should have directed your advice to the right channel, not respnded to this post.

    Back to the supplements. I am happy with both the results and the prices of Trader Darrwins supplements. I engage in intense exercise 5 times a week, and have tried many health and performance supplements. I have stuck with these because of the value. You get a good vitamin for a great pricepoint.

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