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Virgil’s Root Beer (4 - 12 oz. bottles)

Item Purchased: Virgil’s Root Beer (4 - 12 oz. bottles)
Location Purchased: Trader Joe’s / 1840 N. Clybourn Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.49 + tax
Purchased on: 03/17/07

Review: If you look closely at the label of this soft drink, the first thing you will probably notice is someone who looks remarkably like Jack Black offering beer steins of root beer to children. If that’s not enough to make you buy this stuff, I don’t know what is.

Wait, yes I do. First off, the ultra low price that Trader Joe’s sells four packs of this root beer for is a selling point for anyone who has seen the absurd price that Virgil’s sells for elsewhere (I’ve seen it for seven dollars, folks). Next is the complex blend of spices and herbs used in this soda, such as anise and pimento berry oil. The taste of Virgil’s lingers on your tongue with just the right amount of sweetness and spice, making this beverage a sweet tooth favorite as well as a mature enough pop to serve with dinner.

I don’t drink pop too often and I technically bought this for my Root Beer addicted roommate, but after trying one bottle of Virgil’s for myself, I almost regret my generosity.

Rating: 4.25 / 5

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