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Trader Joe’s Extra Sharp Canadian Cheddar Cheese (.20 lbs)

Item Purchased: Trader Joe’s Extra Sharp Canadian Cheddar Cheese (.20 lbs)
Location Purchased: Trader Joe’s / 44 E. Ontario St. / Chicago, IL
Price: $4.16 + tax
Purchased on: 11/29/07

Review: Now this is a cheese! I’m not used to cheeses having such a full and earthy flavor at this low of a price. Who knew our neighbors to the north were so savvy when it came to dairy products.

I’ve had cheese that has been both spicy and full, creamy and substantial, earthy and airy, but never one so affordable. As you can see from the picture, this cheese has no food coloring added. A no nonsense approach by the no nonsense Canadian cheesemakers that only makes sense when you taste this impressive cheese that has so much flavor that there is no room for nonsense left.

There are much better cheddars out there, for much more money, but this is the best you are going to do without heading to a specialty shop (okay… Whole Foods too) or farmer’s market.

Rating: 4 / 5

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