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2 Trader Joe’s Organic Black Beans (15 oz. cans)

Item Purchased: 2 Trader Joe’s Organic Black Beans (15 oz. cans)
Location Purchased: Trader Joe’s / 1840 N. Clybourn Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $0.99/ea. + tax (01/23/07)

Review: To be completely honest, I can’t tell the difference between these beans and the regular Trader Joe’s black beans. I suppose it comes down to trusting the label “organic” or fishing around in my pocket to see how much bean change I have left.

These beans taste fantastic, are not mushy like many canned beans end up and fry up nicely. The only difference I noticed was that this can of beans did give me more gas than the average can of beans. My girlfriend tells me that I just need to eat more to get my body used to it. Well… as long as she can stand me, I’ll keep eating these delicious and affordable legumes.

Rating: 4 / 5

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One Response to “2 Trader Joe’s Organic Black Beans (15 oz. cans)”

  1. jill Mosher Says:

    Do I trust? food from China? How do I know what is really in those cans. I will not buy any food stuffs from China until the FDA really checks those items. What does Trader Joe’s do to ensure that this product is really “organic” and not contaminated with lead, pesticides and anti-freeze?

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