Pocket Change: 10/07/08
- re: the above video… Paging (via BoingBoing)
- The dow dropped into the quadruple digits (and over 800 points within yesterday’s trading session) for the first time since 2004. I think that might push it into a new tax bracket or something. This bailout needs a bigger bucket, methinks. (Crain’s)
- Debt collector uses customer’s debit card for shopping spree. (Buffalo News via CL&P)
- Jim Cramer, of CNBC’s Mad Money, tells people to get out of the stock market. Fortunately for you stubborn investors out there, much of Cramer’s advice has been wrong in the past. I’m sure Cramer has his finger over the ‘buy’ button in hopes that his advice is widely heeded. Here’s my tip: Don’t trade with money you might need in the next five years in the first place. (Consumerist)
- Consumers are cutting their spending at a the largest rate in over 20 years. Gee… Good thing our economy doesn’t heavily rely on people spending money that they don’t really have. (NYT)
Posted by consumatron on October 7th, 2008 filed in
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