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Feb. 2nd - Previously Reviewed Purchases

Item Purchased: Medium Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee (Cream & Sugar)
Review: (LINK)

Item Purchased: Maxwell Street Polish Sausage w/Fries
Price: $1.00 w/tax!!!
Review: (LINK)
Note: Maxwell Street Grill is holding a special throughout the month of February where every Mon.-Thu. between the hours of 3PM and 5PM, all of their sandwiches are $1.00 with fries! Since I work near this place every Mon.-Thu., it looks like I will packing on the pounds in this shortest of months. Considering I also feel as if I stood out in the rain with a blotter of acid on my tongue after I eat one of these things, it also looks as if I might be living under an overpass by the time March rolls around.

Item Purchased: Stefano Foods Cuban Panini (9 oz.)
Review: (LINK)

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