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Oct. 30th - Previously Reviewed Purchases

[ Medium Dunkin' Donuts Coffee (Cream & Sugar) from / Small Daybreak Coffee from Caribou ($1.55) / Pepper Steak Lunch Combo from Joy Yee ]

Note: A couple of things. First of all, I miss the Dunkin’ Donuts by my old apartment. One of the women who works there would always greet me with a smile and have my regular ready for me. Sometimes we would chat a bit about what we did over the weekend. Other times, it was a smile and a nod. Today, at this other Dunkin’ Donuts on Archer, it was nothing more than a stiff lip and a weak coffee. I suppose we may just need a period of adjustment, but these little things matter to me. The woman doesn’t have to be nice to me or go out of her way. That isn’t part of her job. Just like it’s not my job to be nice to her. I simply prefer to be. We’re all in this together, so why not try and get to know each other? Even if it is only a few seconds over a cup of coffee and a monetary transaction. Every little bit counts.

Secondly, it seems that Caribou has followed Starbucks’ lead and raised all of their prices by $0.05. Sigh… it’s not competition if you stay in the shadows and mimic everything they do, Caribou! Luckily, my friendly baristas are still there.

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